Year: 2013

“Ski Jump” hump, Japanese Vintage Bass Restoration.

  I got this vintage Quest bass in for a new pickguard and general clean up. This bass was in very rough shape when I got it in the shop. The pickguard with the output jack on it were broken,

Replacing a Fretboard and using Ebony

I’ve always liked to experiment with different wood types when building my guitars. Over the years, I’ve tried several fretboard different woods like Cocobolo, Sheduah, Ebony, birdseye and flame maple, baked maple, Ovengkol, Wenge and Rosewood. This particular guitar originally

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Fretboard Care and Restoration

A lot of times, when guitarists change strings on their guitar, they don’t always think of cleaning the fretboard and conditioning it. In the case of rosewood, ebony, unfinished maple boards or any unfinished wood for that matter, cleaning and

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Building the SG, part 2 The Scale Length

The first step in the journey to a 1965 SG inspired guitar was pretty simple. Now that we know what we want, we have to draw it out and figure out other important details like the neck angle, pickup placement,

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Building the SG, Part I

This is a special project. I will be building a Gibson SG with my son who has started playing guitar this past year and has shown a true interest in learning the instrument. He loves the look and feel of

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